SeizSafe is a system that monitors the sleep of people who suffer epileptic seizures so that their caregivers can take care of them also at night, improving the safety of those affected and the quality of life of both.
SeizSafe system consists of a device which is installed in the bed of the affected person and monitors its movements, a camera that records the seizures and an app that warns caregivers and allows the access to the historical record.
Epileptic seizures involve certain risks that can be mitigated with appropriate assistance to the affected people at the moment they are produced. During the day, people who suffer epileptic seizures are usually well attended, but during the night it is difficult to watch over and assist them.
SeizSafe improves the quality of life of both affected people and their caregivers, providing greater security, better rest, and more independence and privacy. In addition, SeizSafe collects all data and video of the attacks and stores them in a cloud platform for analysis.
It reduces the risks that generalized seizures involved through its immediate detection and warning to caregivers.
Affected people and their caregivers can sleep in separate bedrooms, keeping their personal space.
Caregivers can rest more peacefully by not having to be aware of the affected person throughout the night.
Provides doctors a patient monitoring tool for diagnosis and more tailored treatments.
Users decide whether they want to contribute to create a base of anonymous information for research.
SeizSafe is valid for people of any age, as well as for domestic and clinical environments.
Detection unit
Movement sensor
Camera mount
Power supplies
Mobile app
The motion sensor is placed on the mattress, under the sheets in a zone where it does not bother, and it is connected to the detection unit.
The detection unit monitors all the movements of the affected person and identifies epileptic seizures to warn the caregiver as soon as possible.
The camera includes a support that can be placed on different surfaces to be able to capture in the plane the most part of the bed.
The mobile app allows to receive alerts when a seizure occurs, to configure the system and to access all the registered information.
The company behind the development of SeizSafe is Encore Lab, a corporation devoted to the development of electronic devices, embedded systems and IoT applications.
Encore Lab pursues innovation in each of its projects, developing cutting-edge products that introduce the technology in everyday environments, giving solution to problems that arise from common situations and which are assumed as inevitable even if they are not.
We are looking for volunteers to test SeizSafe at home. You can contribute to make SeizSafe an even better product, your opinion is very important!
ContactIf you book your SeizSafe now you can take advantage of an exclusive discount for pre-order units. Estimated release date: July 2019.
The SeizSafe project have been published in European Commission’s Cordis. The web is aimed to show the results of EU project’s investigations. See more
On May 23 was held in the auditorium of Clínica Corachán in Barcelona the II Epilepsy Research Fair. Our colleague Diego Polo, in representation of Encore-Lab, exposed to the public the detector of nocturnal epileptic seizures SeizSafe.
We are grateful for the mention of our SeizSafe crisis monitoring system in the March newsletter of the association “Apoyo Dravet”. The collaboration with this association is allowing us to validate our hardware/software with real affected people.
Encore Lab contacted with www.purpledayspain.org this association is dedicated exclusively to providing information about epilepsy and seizures, using varied material, to try to erase false myths that have been confusing society for centuries to get the acceptation of the epilepsy in the same way that people with other diseases. The association have more than 11.000 followers on Facebook webpage https://www.facebook.com/Purple-Day-Espa%C3%B1a-Apoyando-a-personas-con-epilepsia-144545922275550/ and Encore Lab hold a meeting with the president of the Spanish Chapter to explain how the device works and its functionalities.
Seizsafe is a device to monitor patients during night-time and alert their caregivers when a seizure is detected. This way, patients will be assisted on time, minimizing seizures’ risks, and caregivers will be able to rest peacefully knowing that the system will wake them up when a seizure starts.
We have just launched an Indiegogo campaign to raise the enough money to manufacture first batches and also to get visibility. We need your support to make Seizsafe possible, any help will be welcome. Back us now on Indiegogo!
Diego Polo on behalf of Encore Lab participated in the fair with a stand showing SeizSafe device. Thanks to collaboration with Spaldin, a mattress company from La Rioja, which are interested in applying SeizSafe to new toppers for mattress, Encore Lab could present SeizSafe in a real situation and could make demonstrations to attendees.
Encore Lab have reached an agreement with Centro de Neurología Avanzada in Seville (Spain) to validate SeizSafe using vEEG monitorization. The research protocol for the study was developed by Encore Lab and CNA and will evaluate if SeizSafe is a reliable device for the detection of generalized nocturnal crises and allows to differentiate them from other non-epileptic events that happen during the night obtaining the ratios of sensitivity and specificity of the device.
Encore Lab is attending to the 13th European Congress of Epileptology hold in Vienna in 26-30th August 2018 with a stand in the main hall outside the conference rooms. Encore Lab will present the device SeizSafe to epileptologist, scientifics and doctors. Encore Lab will be with Dr. Luis Miguel Aras from ApoyoDravet Association.
The magazine Retina has published an article on August 2 in which it highlights the advantages of our system for detecting epileptic seizures compared to other systems on the market. https://retina.elpais.com/retina/2018/07/30/innovacion/1532954361_029377.html
Encore Lab has installed a SeizSafe device in the Russi Institut epilepsy unit at the Quiron Teknon Hospital in Barcelona. The objective is the collection of data to clinically validate SeizSafe. The hospital has an EEG monitoring and surveillance unit for patients with epilepsy.
Last 24thMay, the Spanish Epilepsy Federation (FEDE) held in Madrid at ONCE facilities, the first research in epilepsy fair, to celebrate the Epilepsy National Day (25thMay). This event allowed families and patients with epilepsy to know about the main novelties in the sector, the current state of research and the palliative and curative technologies currently in the market. Encore Lab presented their product SeizSafe (monitoring system to detect epileptic seizures during night).Several attendees to the event were interested in the development status of SeizSafe and its expected entry into the market date.
Encore Lab have carried out laboratory tests in TELPROCE (Barcelona) to ensure electric Safety of SeizSafe and achieved CE mark which allow Encore Lab to sell SeizSafe in Europe.
Whether you want to collaborate in the validation of SeizSafe, or if you are interested in booking a unit, or if you simply want us to solve any doubt about SeizSafe.